
constructor(x: Pos = AbsPos(0), y: Pos = AbsPos(0), paddingW: Int = 8, paddingH: Int = paddingW, spacingW: Int = 4, spacingH: Int = spacingW)



Pos, optional. The x position of this widget. Default is AbsPos of 0. This initial position can be overwritten later with setPos


Pos, optional. The y position of this widget. Default is AbsPos of 0. This initial position can be overwritten later with setPos


Int, optional. Default 8px. The horizontal space given around the left/right edge of the layout (where the border would go visually). Unlike the DOM, there is no margin/padding duo, just padding.


Int, optional. Default whatever `paddingW`` is. The vertical space given around the top/bottom edge of the layout (where the border would go visually). Unlike the DOM, there is no margin/padding duo, just padding.


Int, optional. Default 4. The horizontal space between elements. This can be modified per element as needed with pushSpacing and popSpacing


Int, optional. Default whatever spacingW is. The vertical space between elements. This can be modified per element as needed with pushSpacing and popSpacing